Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Church Orientation

Again, I can't help myself but to post this comic strip from Mick Mooney of Searching For Grace because I was from that sort of environment with the same obligations portrayed by Mick. I was wondering and wandering in that religious wilderness for 7 years, 7 perfect years! Wow... praise God it's 7 years not 40 years! Gosh... What a life...!

By Mick Mooney of Searching For Grace

Church Orientation
By mick on July 22nd, 2009

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

You have to love the good news (Gospel of Grace) of Jesus Christ. Through His perfect finished work upon the cross, we now enjoy the blessings of a relationship with God that does not depend on our religious performance, but upon His glorious grace!!

Unfortunately Pastor Moses (one of the characters in my comic strip) seems to have missed that point!


  1. Dear Bro, Any idea what are the next 4 points? There are supposed to be 10 at least. Right? I posted a comment for you at http://searchingforgrace.com/the-blog/erics-apostolic-ministry/

  2. You are right brother, you really have to thank Daddy for showing us His Salvation (Yahuah) and spared you from cleaning the toilets.

    You are indeed blessed to be born in the hollies of hollies!!! (Or born in a church that has no toilet!!!)

    Mind you, you do not have the anointing to think of the next four points. So rest!

    Hahaha... I'm looking forward for more comic from Mick!

  3. Aiya!! I thought I'd get you this time. You know la... I was trick into the number 1 thing. Ha... Hallelujah! Once in Grace always in Grace... full of wisdom. How to die? Said Bartho our brother :))

    This you'll agree with me... only pastor Moses knows the next four points.

  4. Hahaha... I really didn't know it was a trick. I was saved by the Spirit!

    This Bro Bartho knows he cannot die but afraid of pain!

    I can tell you the next four points:
    Be obedient, Read your Bible, Fast for 40 days and Come to every Prayer Meeting!!!!

    I didn't waste my time in those 7 perfect years you know!!!

    Come to think of it, we can now see the world is controlled by the devil. If Mick can portray what is happening in our midst, we really don't have to look at the colour of our skin to see whether we are religious or not. We are either on Jesus' side or on the devil's side. That is why Jesus said the fruit will tell you what kind of tree we are. I'm not talking about durian or mango tree here, I'm talking about the Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

    Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.

    Proverbs 12:28 In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.

    Brother, we are righteous because of His abundant grace and the gift of His righteousness.

    Blessing Brother and I speak GRACE to our life!!!

  5. Amen, Amen and AMEN!!! Really? Don't know it's a trick still can not trick. Aiya... what to do? so blessed... so blessed!! You are absolutely right... just by the fruit, we know the tree. Then how to trick the wrong fruit from the right tree? I must be crazy thinking I can get you. Ya! How about we try it at Mick's place? It would be fun!!

    Wow!! Great wisdom from Proverbs. I must try one too: Pro 4:18-19 "The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. 19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble." How's that Brother? Not bad ya?
    This remind me of Ps Mark when he tried to use big word in his sermon. Ha....

  6. You are absolutely right! The wicked here is religious one and they are in deep darkness; they too, do not know what makes them stumble...

    19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.

    Only the Gospel can give them light! But Brother Alan, Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

    Yes, you are right. The problem is their veils are not taken away! Gospel takes off their veils and show them the light! Gospel open our eyes that we may see wonderful things in His law. (Psalm 119:18)

  7. Amen brother! What more can we ask? We are absolutely blessed!! See you at Searching for Grace la...

  8. Yap, I saw you in there!!!!
