Thursday, December 30, 2010


For the past eleven years, I have heard preachers and my previous pastor preaching on the verse where the LORD spoke to Cain regarding the consequence of his offering. Their explanations had never satisfied my inner being until the LORD led me to take a different point of view in a different angle and to link this incident with the happening in the Garden of Eden.

4:6 ~ And Jehovah said to Cain, Why have you angrily glowed? And why did your face fall?
4:7 ~ if you do well, shall you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at the door; and its desire is for you, and you shall rule over it.

To understand what is “sin crouches at the door; and its desire is for you, and you shall rule over it”, we need to connect this incident with what happened in the Garden of Eden. The moment God put enmity between the serpent and the woman, and between the serpent’s seed and woman’s Seed, the devil had started his scheme to eliminate her Seed.

If you were to take the Bible as it is, I suggest to you that it was indeed the first murder case in human history. Assuming that I am a crime scene investigator and looking at this story from the TV series CSI (crime scene investigation) point of view, I began to understand what the LORD meant by ”sin was crouching at the door“. As the devil was not all-knowing, it had to judge from outward behavior. It had to put thought in people's mind so that it could observe their responses. He saw that the LORD had respect to Abel and his offering while He did not have respect to Cain and to his offering. In the situation of Cain being rejected, the devil put thought in the prideful mind of Cain and therefore Cain glowed with anger and his face fell!

From here, the devil made the judgement that Abel must be the woman's Seed that the LORD was talking about because the LORD had respect to Abel and to his offering. Due to Cain behavior, the devil grabbed the oppertunity to make use of Cain to get rid of Abel. Did the LORD know about this? Yes, the LORD reminded Cain why have he angrily glowed? And why did his face fall? If Cain does well like Abel, will he not be accepted like Abel? And if he does not do well, sin (the devil) crouches at the door; and its desire is for him, to make use of Cain, and Cain shall rule over it (Cain had a choice to rule over the devil by offering up what Abel was offering). 

The LORD had given man free choice… This free choice had caused Eve to fall and again, this free choice had caused Cain to fall too. This so called free choice or human's right, that this modern society is fighting so much about, has also causes this world to fall. The LORD said to Cain that he should rule over it, meaning Cain had a free choice to offer up the kind of offering that Abel was offering and he and his offering would be respected as well. A devil could not rule over a man with humble heart... But instead, the kind of pride that caused Satan to fall was in Cain and Cain chose not to offer up the kind of offering that the LORD respected. He chose to kill Abel and the crouching devil had its desire fulfilled. 

From this incident, we can see that the behaviour of Abel was a picture of Grace where he depended on the goodness of the fat. While the behaviour of Cain was a picture of religion (works of the flesh) where he depended on the goodness of his labour.

Hallelujah, the LORD had offered up His Begotten Son to this world at the cross. The LORD had cut an everlasting covenant with mankind through the cross. Yet He extended His free choice once again to all mankind; a free choice of choosing this Offering that He respect or otherwise.  If you have chosen the Offering that He respected, He respects you. If you choose grace (unearned, undeserved and unmerited favour) that He has extended to you, He respects you. It is all about His grace, His finished work at the cross not our works. It is all about His grace not our religion.

He is asking this question again. “And if you do not do well, sin crouches at the door; and its desire is for you, and you shall rule over it…”

1 comment:

  1. Jesus loves you12/31/2010 09:20:00 AM

    Yes. Cain's heart was prideful and his mind was corrupted.

    Eve and Cain were both deceived and chose to listen to Satan rather than God!

    Everyone who has worn human flesh, apart from Jesus Christ, has also been deceived by Satan and fallen into sin.

    Yes, God blessed Abel, so that he could trust and depend on His gracious goodness.

    Yes, Cain's offering was a picture of false worship since he depended disobediently on the "goodness" of his own labour.

    Hallelujah, the LORD had offered up His only Begotten Son, Jesus, to this world on the cross.

    Truly, the LORD has made an everlasting covenant with mankind through the
    Christ's perfect offering of Himself unto death on the cross.
