Monday, October 19, 2009

Listen To Him!

The famous account of the Mount of Transfiguration signified the universal Summit between the God Head and the Ministry Heads of mankind. It was intended for resolving differences among its members. As a practical matter, the Summit was also conceived as an opportunity for its members to give each other mutual encouragement in the face of difficult decisions. The news of this Summit had considerable media exposure as this event was well covered in the Good News of Matthew, Mark as well as Luke.

In this account, our Lord Jesus was bringing His disciples Peter, James and John up to Mt. Hermon, the venue of this Summit. As Peter speaks of Stone, James speaks of Supplanted while John speaks of Grace in Greek respectively, Jesus was in actual fact, attending this Summit with a walking agenda of “To replace the Law with Grace”.

During the meeting, Moses, the Ministry Head of the Law Ministry and Elijah; the Ministry Head of the Prophetic Ministry appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus, who is grace personified. They spoke about the Jesus’ departure, of which He was about to bring to fulfilment at Jerusalem. Jesus’ death was always and still is, the centre theme of Heaven. Peter, the Head Boy from the School of Disciples, witnessed this splendid moment and with amazement, out of his religiosity he voiced out his suggestion of making three tabernacles: one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

Our friend Peter, was like anyone of us who is religious, like to put Jesus, Moses and Elijah on the same level. It is out of our religiosity that we start the Sunday Service by allowing Elijah to point out our sins and subsequently followed by our confession, then followed by praise and worship. Moses will then take over the pulpit to tell us what wrong with us, how and what we should do. To end the service, we will then allow Jesus to step up for the altar call…

While Peter was suggesting of putting Jesus, Moses and Elijah on the same level, the Holy Spirit descended as cloud and enveloped them which made them very much afraid, and they were interrupted by a voice came from the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him." Listen to who? When the voice had spoken, they found no one but Jesus… Moses was gone and so as Elijah.

This meeting adjourned with a warm affirmation of "do not be afraid" from the Lord. The resolution of "LISTEN TO HIM" i.e. "Replacing law with grace" was agreed...

In this dispensation of grace, are we really in tune with our Heavenly Father’s will? The Old Testament prophet calls out our sin to remembrance while the New Covenant prophet calls out the righteousness of Christ in remembrance. The law of sin and death tell us how and what we should do while through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit of life set me free and tell us what the Lord had finished doing at the Cross. Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Him.

We are to LISTEN TO HIM from the start to the end of our service not Elijah and Moses…

LISTEN TO HIM... listen to Grace!!!

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