Sunday, September 28, 2008

By Grace Through Faith

A church is born out of Jesus’ death and His blood. For all who believes in Jesus are saved by His blood through righteousness of faith. When we are saved, His blood removed poverty, curse, sickness, bondage, brokenness and restored all the blessings mentioned in the Book of Deuteronomy.

Because of His grace, we, the wild olive branches, are able to come into His blessings. The power of His grace has brought us into His rest. This rest is from Him and rest is of His nature. Jesus says in Matthew 11: 28~30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

True rest only comes when we have fully accepted His grace and by His grace, we know that God had fully reconciled with us through Jesus. Through these divine elements, His faith is imparted to us and made us believe and understand the value of justification by faith. Justification by faith is the core value of the Gospel that Paul was preaching and justification by faith is of the same Gospel that God preached to Abraham.

When we talk about faith, we would think of Abraham, the father of faith. When we talk about Abraham, we would think of the promises that God made with Him...

The truth of the matter is, not every believer who are saved by the blood, are bless with Abraham blessing! No, only those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. The word “faith” here means keep on believing or in other word “faithing” (I know this is bad English but I just want to bring this point across). It does not mean the type of faith that you put in Christ thirty years ago. It means the kind of belief that you are having now. Do you still believe in justification by faith or you are justifying your righteousness through your own effort?

Paul said in Galatians 3:9, “So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.” See the way the Holy Spirit uses word? Even now, while you are reading this, Abraham still believes!

What did God bless Abraham with?
He was blessed with wealth, i.e. Cattle, silver and gold.
He was blessed with health, i.e. his body was rejuvenated at his old age. This blessing also imparted to his wife Sarah whose life was rejuvenated that two kings wanted her to be their harem. And ladies, you are the daughter of Sarah as mentioned in 1 Peter 3:5.
He was blessed with authority, i.e. In him all the nations shall be blessed.

My dear friends, we have been enlighten by His grace, everything good that are of divine value has been laid as foundation. Continue to be faithful to the truth that we have received, continue to walk in His grace...


  1. Specially to Ryan and Jamie Weeks:

    This post is specially dedicated to you and your family... because you guys own a farm! May your family be blessed with cattle, silver and gold. Your life be blessed with the health of Abraham and Sarah. May your family be blessed with the authority of Abraham! Amen!

  2. Oh Alan, we receive your blessing in Christ; thank you; thank you! And for the wonderful post, fresh fruit, indeed.

    We have been richly blessed and we in turn are doubly blessed to be able to bless others!

    But you and our brothers and sisters are a far richer reward! God is so gracious and generous to have given us all of you.

    On a lighter note: I tease my father-in-law and tell him that if God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, we must own a thousand cattle on one hill-the hill my house is on! Moo, moo! :)
