Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do This In Remembrance Of Me

In the Chinese Calendar today, the Chinese people are celebrating the Mid Autumn or Moon Festival. Traditionally, on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright Mid-Autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes together.

This festival is to remember their legends Chang’e in Chinese mythology involve some variation of the following elements: Houyi, the Archer; Chang'e, the mythical Moon Goddess of Immortality; an emperor, either benevolent or malevolent; an elixir of life; and the Moon. Basically, this is what the Chinese people think; and they are doing this every year at this time to remember their “heroes”.

This is just a version of what this festival is about. There are various versions because a mythology is not the truth; so I won’t expound on that and as for me, the truth has set me free.

Now, Our Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took bread, when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way after supper he took the cup, say, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.

The word remembrance in our generation has been watered down to mere remembering in our mind. But in the Jewish culture, they actually go through the process in action to remember the festival or occasion. Just like the Chinese people, they are eating moon cake, admiring the bright Mid Autumn moon in remembrance of their legendary heroes.

In the body of Christ today, we have been led to perversion on the way we remember the Lord’s Body. Instead of coming to the Table in celebration, we come in consciousness of our sin and with fear of condemnation and judgment.

Jesus has gone through all the sufferings and died for us on the Cross; and He is our real Hero totally different from those legendary heroes. What the people of the world have are mythologies while we are having the truth. Can we just shift our focus off ourselves for a while and give Jesus the due respect by REMEMBER HIM when we come to the Lord’s Table?

The people in the world celebrate their festival and freely commune to remember their “heroes” with the right attitude, but of no value. While we have been eternally made righteous by the blood of Jesus, we have the truth in us but come with a wrong attitude. This wrong attitude makes void this powerful provision of God and put us back in same position with the people of the world. Hey..., this is a conspiracy from the evil one!

1 Corinthians 11:27 Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.

What the Lord meant is the manner of how we come before the Table not who! The MANNER, not the MAN…!!! Yes, we were once full of sin; but when we are born again, we have been made righteous forever not by the bloods of bull and goat but the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ! When our Lord is resurrected on the third day, we are justified.

However, our heavenly Daddy is always mercy and full of grace. He never gets angry with us but forever faithful in leading us to His truth with lovingkindness.

Come to the Lord’s Table and celebrate His death and remember Him. For whenever we eat the bread and drink the cup, we proclaim His death until He comes. It is His death on the Cross that set us free. Rejoice before the Lord’s Table and give Him the due respect and praise Him. The beneficiary of this remembrance is us not Him.

This is grace….


  1. Wonderful!
    To commune was never intended to stir up guilt, but to arouse love!

  2. This simple, so profound, yet so missed by the modern church...

  3. Hallelujah! Once we fully comprehend what Jesus has done for us, the blessings just flow in our lives and I'm not going back to the way I was before because I want to see more of His glory revealing itself every single day. We are the most blessed ones because Jesus is our true hero. This I will always remember whenever I partake bread and wine.I will forever praise Him even to my very last breath I will keep on praising Him for He is my beautiful Saviour.

    God bless and keep you always, Deacon!

  4. Praise The Lord Feli...! He is our Super Hero... The Champion... Remember?
