Hebrew alphabet is the same as Chinese writing character, they are read from right

Revelation 1:8 ~ "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
Dr. Larry Ollison expounding on the missing translation on Aleph Tav
את is used over 7,000 times in the Hebrew language and such can be seen in the very first verse of the Bible as בְּרֵשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ׃ (Genesis 1:1 ~ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.) Being at the center of this very first verse in the Bible, Jesus is Aleph Tav in the Book of Genesis and Apostle John had the revelation in the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verse 1...
John 1:1 ~ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Our Lord Jesus is Aleph and Tav in Hebrew, Alpha and Omega in Greek and A to Z in English.
How awesome is this truth!!! I knew it but one day as the Lord asked me to write some message he had for me down he started it with " I am the ALpha and Omega"... now I know that was His confirmation it was Jesus Himself who was speaking to me!! Praise His Name!! Thank you Joseph Prince for your obedience in getting this word and knowledge out to the Body of Christ!
ReplyDeleteHALLELUJAH! awesome! i've been meditating of Joshua 1:8 and Alpeh Tav is there too! can i have the link for this video? i want to post it on facebook!
ReplyDeleteHi I heard this teaching and was not sure. So I asked a person who actually teaches Hebrew, and that person said the "aleph-tav" is an object-marker. In other words, when preceeded by the "aleph-tav", a word become a direct object of the verb in the sentence. It is pure grammar (and of course all over the Bible) and not translated because of its insignificance.
ReplyDeleteThere are two examples of aleph-tav in Genesis 1:1. Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim vaet haeretz. Yes, 'et' is an object marker used twice, firstly to indicate the heavens, 'hashamayim' and secondly to indicate the earth 'haeretz'.
ReplyDeleteGod-Yeshua created the space time continium out of His Wisdom/Love ex niliho at the Big Bang! In 6 24 hour days as the rabbis state from God`s perspective, but from our perspective 16 billion years. The Bible is Truth!!!
ReplyDeleteTo all who are hungry for fresh revelation from the Word, this is powerful and penetrating, the idea of our Christ Jesus being the beginning and the end of everything in heaven and earth means That today He will complete to the end whatever He began in you. just hand it to Him the Aleph Tav! give Him your Children, your business, your house and all that is of any value to you. Make Him alone responsible to finish what He authored. Remind Him every day, because your soul forgets, and peace will overtake!
ReplyDeleteWhen I recieved the messages of the Word of God back in 2008, I shared it with my religion, I thought they were going to be happy since they preach the Word of God, but they apparently got upset and rejected it.
ReplyDeleteThe same has happened with some other ministries, just like the Lord Jesus Christ was a threat to the Pharasees, it seems I was also a threat when I shared the truth, which is the Word of God.