Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Christmas Tree 圣诞树

At this time of the year, most of us will enjoy decorating our Christmas Tree. But do we all know why we decorate it the way we do? Today, I would like to share with you the story and the meaning behind the decorated Christmas tree.

在每年的这个时候, 我们大多数人都在装饰我们圣诞树。但是,我们为什么这样的装饰它? 今天,与大家分享这个圣诞树背后的含义。

The tree is an evergreen tree and it represents a life full of joy and living forever with God. This is the Good News of Jesus' birth, His life on earth, His death and then becoming alive from the dead. And the Bible also tells us very clearly that Jesus is the Son of God.

这棵树是一种常树和它所代表了充满欢乐和永远与上帝生活的生命。耶稣的, 他地上的生命,他的去世,然后从死, 这是个好消息。圣经也非常明确地告诉我们,耶稣是上帝的爱子。

So today my dear friends, we all need to consider – Do we believe what the Bible says about Jesus? Well, as Christians we believe with all our heart that what the Bible says about Jesus is indeed true. And Christmas is a time for us to celebrate a person - a living person who loves you and who was born for you, and then died for you, so that you might have eternal life. CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT JESUS!

所以,我亲爱的朋友们,我们都必须考虑们是否相信圣经上所说关于耶稣? 那么,基督徒,我们相信圣经上所说的耶稣是确实,是真的。我们诞节是庆祝一个人 - 一个活著的,爱你的人,为你生,然后为你的人这样, 你能有永恒的生命。圣诞节是关于耶稣!

There are a lot of stories and many ideas about why we decorate trees at Christmas time. And one favorite story tells of a man named Martin Luther who started this tradition over 400 years ago.

有很多故事和许多想法,关于我们为什么在圣诞节装饰树木。 这一个故事讲述了一名男子名为马丁路德, 在超过400, 开始了这个传统

One Christmas Eve, Martin was out walking in the woods near his home. He was praying and thinking about the Lord Jesus Christ. He looked up into the midnight sky, and became so thrilled with the beauty of an evergreen tree that stood tall outside on a starry night. He decided that he wanted to take that tree home with him. He had a saw with him, so he cut it down, and dragged it home. He then built a base so that it would stand straight and tall in his house. Then he fastened some candles to it, to made them looked like those stars he had seen earlier. (They did not have electric lights in those days.) Then he lit up all those candles and stood back to admire the tree. Those candles reminded him of the stars that were in the sky above Bethlehem on the night that Jesus Christ was born. We have used electric lights today on our Christmas tree.

个圣诞节前夕,马丁外出在他家附近的树林中散步.祷与思考稣基督。头来看著午夜的天空,见美丽的常树屹立在星夜, 兴奋. 他决定树取带回家。锯子, 将它锯,并拖它带回家。他建立了一架子, 可以在他家里挺直站立起. 然后, 他绑一些蜡烛在树, 像他较早看到的那些星星样. (在那些日子里们没有电灯. 他点燃了所有的蜡烛,站回来的地方赏那树。这些蜡烛提醒他耶稣基督诞生在伯利夜空上的恒星.今天我们已经用电灯装饰我们的圣诞树。

The Lights on our Christmas tree represent those candles of long ago, and those stars. The Bible also talks about Jesus as the Coming King and as the One who brings LIGHT.


Remember in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke, Mary & Joseph were turned away from the inn and there was no room for them to say anywhere. Well, Christians believed that a stranger could be the Christ Child in disguise. And the Bible tells us that Jesus IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

记得在马太 福音, 马利被旅馆拒绝, 在任何地方也没有空提供给他们. 那么,基督徒认为,一个陌生人可能是婴儿基督的化身。和圣经告诉我们,耶稣是世界之光的!

Candles were put at the windows of all the Christian homes on Christmas Eve. Those candles guided the Christ Child to those doors. And if a stranger came to the door on Christmas Eve, they were never ever turned away from that house.


All of us can be that same LIGHT. We should be that LIGHT, just not at Christmas Time, but every day of our lives, because Jesus is THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

们大家谁可以光。们应该光,不只是诞节间,而是每一天的生中, 为耶稣是世界的光。

When we believe that God loves us and we accept His Son Jesus into our hearts, we too become those lights for all the unbelievers. The LIGHT OF JESUS SHOULD SHINE THROUGH US IN ALL THAT WE DO, AND IN ALL THAT WE SAY.

当我们相信上帝爱我们我们接受他的儿子耶稣来到我们的心中,我们也成为这些所有的光。耶稣的光应该照耀著我们所的, 和我们所说的.

The star again represents the special star that shone above the manger where the Christ child was laid. It is the same star that the shepherds saw when they came to visit the baby Jesus. It is the same star that the Wise men followed who came from the east, when they came in search of the baby Jesus. Remember, the Bible says - and "Lo, the star which they had seen in the east, went before them, until it came to rest where the child was with his Mother Mary". Jesus is also called the "BRIGHT MORNING STAR" in the book of Revelations.

星星再次代表著那天空上照耀著躺在槽里的婴儿基督的特殊恒星.牧羊人来看望婴儿耶稣时看到的相同的恒星. 是来自东部地区的智者, 著恒星来寻找婴儿耶稣的所. 请记住, 圣经上说 众天使离他们升天去了、 牧羊的人彼此说、 我们往伯利恒去、 看看所成的事、就是主所指示我们的。们急忙去了、就寻见马利亚和约瑟、又有那婴孩卧在马槽 , 稣也被称为 明亮晨星”.

Next, we are going to tell you about the ANGEL decorations on our tree. The word ANGEL stands for messenger, a Greek word. The Angel communicates good news from God to the people. An Angel appeared to Mary. He said - "Fear not for you have found favor with God, and you will conceive by the power of the Spirit and a child will grow in your womb and you will bear a SON. You shall call His name JESUS."

下一,我要告诉你上的天使的装这个天使希腊字代表使者。 天使传达给人民上帝的好消息。天使玛丽面前。他- “不要怕. 你在神面前已经蒙恩了。 你要怀孕生子、可以给他起名叫耶稣。

The same Angel appeared to Joseph, telling him what would come to pass. The Scriptures also say that some shepherds were in the fields watching over their sheep. Then an Angel of the Lord appeared and stood before all of them. Those shepherds were frightened. The Glory of the Lord was shining all around the Angel. The Angel told them not to be afraid. He told them he was bringing them - "Good News of Great JOY. Tonight Your Savior has been born in the town of David. He is the Christ Child --- The Lord. This message is given so that you will know and you will hear. You will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

样的天使面前,告诉他成就马利。圣经也说, 一些牧羊他们的领域看守他们的羊群。然后天使出现,并站在他们。 这些牧羊的人就惧主的荣光四面照天使上,天使告诉他们不要。他告诉他们,报给你们大喜的信息、 是关乎万民巨大的喜的好消息因今天在大卫的城里, 为你们生了救主、就是主基督。们要看见一个婴孩、包着布、卧在马槽里,那就是记号了

Then a very Large Glory of Angels from Heaven filled the midnight skies. All of those Angels were praising God & saying: "PEACE ON EARTH, GIVE GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST & ON EARTH LET THERE BE PEACE AMONG THE PEOPLE THAT PLEASE GOD."

忽然有一大队天兵、同那天使赞美神说: "在至高之处荣耀归与神、 在地上平安归与他所喜悦的人。"

The Angels told the shepherds where they could go to find the baby and then they filled the whole sky singing praises to God. It was an awesome sight.

众天使离开他们升天去了、牧羊的人彼此说、我们往伯利恒去、 看看所成的事、就是主所指示我们的

BELLS MEAN JOY at Christmas Time. In some countries around the world, bells ring out loud in every church at midnight on Christmas Eve to announce the Birthday of Jesus who brings God's Love and Peace for all those who believe that He is God's Son.

钟声意味着欢乐在圣诞节的时间。在世界的一些国家,在每一个诞节前夕的午夜,钟声在各地的教堂响起,为所有认为他是上帝的儿子的人, 宣布耶稣的诞辰带来了上帝的爱与平。

The colorful Christmas balls all have very special meanings also. They are round; a shape that reminds us that god's love for us is eternal and has no end. The balls also represent the world into which Jesus came as Emmanuel - (which means) god is with us.

多姿多彩的诞球都有非常特殊的意义。他们是圆形的,这形状提醒我们上帝的爱是永恒,没有结束的。圆形的球也义味着耶稣是马内, 来到这世界作为神与我们同在”.

The red balls remind all of us here today of Jesus' blood that was shed for all our sins. in the shedding of his blood, we all became free forever. What a sacrifice the Lord Jesus made for all of us.

的球提醒我的罪流出血。 他流出血, 使所有的人都永自由。主耶稣为所有的人做出大的牲。

The green balls represent to us - the hope of eternal life, and the forgiveness of our sins, just by telling god that we are sorry for the wrong things we have done and then asking god to give us his gift of eternal life. That eternal life is god's greatest gift to us all who are willing to surrender and then believe that Jesus was the son of God.


The white balls stand for the purity & light of Jesus. He is the light of the world and was without sin.


The blue balls are for the faith, the faith which the prophets of the Old Testament talked about. These prophets listened to god's word and proclaimed the message that a messiah (a Saviour King) would come to save the world.

蓝色的球代表著,信信先知旧约的。 这些先知听神的话,并宣布一个救世主会拯救世界。

Faith is the only thing that can last for all of time. If you have that faith, then you have what it takes to handle all of your problems and challenges. Faith is the one thing that no one can steal away from you. Faith lives in your heart. Faith is real.

是唯一可以持续所有的时间。如果你有这种信心, 那么你有所需要的措施来处理所有的问题和挑战。没有任何人能抢走您的信。信活在你的心。信是真实的。

We put some Candy Canes on Our Tree. Candy Canes were first invented by a Candy Maker from America. They made the hard candy in the shape of a "J" originally, as a way to remind the children that Jesus is the heart of Christmas. They were originally red, green and white. The Candy Canes were also to remind us that Shepherds were the first ones to hear about the birth of Jesus. They carried crooks in order to keep their sheep save or to lift them from a cliff or crevice in the rocks.

们将一些糖果在我们的树上。美国糖果制造商首先发明了糖果。为了提醒孩子们圣诞节的核心是稣, 他们制造了 “J” 形状的硬糖果 。 他们原先是红色,绿色和白色。该糖果也提醒我们,牧羊人是第一个听到耶稣的诞生。这些牧羊人带著杖,以护羊群。

Jesus is our shepherd and he uses his crook to guide us every single day, leading us away from sin. He provides a path for us to walk with him every day of our lives, if we let him. The colors on our candy canes are red, for the sacrifice Christ made for all our sins, the green, for that hope, that he always gives to us, and lastly, the white - for his purity and light.

是我们的牧羊人.他用他的,指我们每一天, 使我们远离罪恶。他提供了一个路径,我们每一天同他走我们的生活。糖果有红色的色彩, 因为基督为我们所有的罪孽牺牲,流出的. 绿色的, 因为他总是给我们希望, 最后,白色的- 他的纯洁和光。

Last but not least, of all is the gifts that we put under our trees at Christmas time. At Christmas time we present our gifts to each other to show our love for one another. Our love should always be given for free. Jesus gives us his love for free every day, if we have surrender to him. We can not enjoy & experience that love of this free gift until we accept it, and open that love and receive this love as a part of our daily lives. In the same way, we are all reminded at this special time of year, Christmas time, that God sent the greatest of gifts to us at Christmas time, his son - Jesus Christ.

最后是我诞节时物。 在诞节时, 我出我物互相示我彼此的终应予免每天都是免的。 我不能享受和体这个费爱物, 直到我接受生活的一部分。 以同的方式, 今年的诞节这个特殊的刻提醒我, 神在诞节发出的最大的物, 就是他的- 基督

We can hear about this gift, read about it, but until we believe and then accept that gift and receive it as a part of our lives we will never be able to experience everything that God wants for us as His Children.

可以听到关于这个礼物的信息, 我们将无法经历到作上帝的孩子的希望, 直到,然后接受生活中的一部分。


  1. Hi Bro,

    What a great revelation of Christmas Tree you have! Guess what! I didn't know much of it indeed :) ... Praise God! I'm still saved not knowing that!!

  2. Wow Alan, that was such a treat to read!! I am thankful for the research you did to relay this to us......!!! Awesome!! I am also thankful that the origins of all these traditions have wonderful meanings rooted in celebrating Christ!!

    Much grace, peace and joy to you!!
