Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Secret

Last Friday night before our rehearsal for the N.O.W. Concert started, I received a SMS from Brother Bartholomew saying that he missed Jesus very much...

(Bartholomew is touched by the grace of our Lord and he is on fire for the Lord...!)

Here is the detail of the SMS...

Bartholomew: I miss Jesus so much... do u?

Me: Why miss? He never leave u nor forsake u... :)

Bartholomew: Don't know... Feel want to hug Jesus. How to hug Him since He is in Me?

Me: Rest Brother, do not be troubled...

Bartholomew: Thanks...

The rehearsal started...

Siew Ping is indeed a "New Creation"!

Happy Hour...

Is it cute to have a brother like him? He is not religious, but like a little boy that Jesus said in the Book of Gospel. I don't think I have given him a good answer... until I reached home that night, I found in one of my Blog link that a better answer has been given...

The answer was given in My Life, My Boy & My Baby on You Don't Know This Secret? posted at 9.47 PM that night!

Thank you Michelle for being sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit... You are indeed blessed to be a blessing!


  1. PP said this once and I'll paraphrase.

    You know how God hugs us today? Through the Holy Spirit. The same greek word for "embrace" that was used in Luke 15:20 of how the father embraced the boy, is the same greek word as "fell" in the book of Acts when it talks about how the Holy Spirit fell. In other words, the Holy Spirit gave everyone a nice embrace.

  2. Brother, so that's Siew Ping's new look, new transformation, new creation. By the Spirit she is what she is... make sure she doesn't go back to her old self :)) it is a law!

  3. Isn't she beautiful, isn't she?

    The Lord is bringing out the beauty in everyone of us in SIB Grace!!!

    Those who know grace is pearl in His eye...!
