Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Fruits From The Most Ancient Trees

Everyone in this world is being taught to do good and not to do evil from their young age. Even in most of the churches around the world, Christians are being taught to do good and not to do evil for the sake of God’s glory.

Adam, the first man in this planet earth, was formed from the dust of the ground and was made a living being when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. As a created being, he was to live his life depending on God’s glory, the righteous glory of God. Before the fall of Adam, he was having the God type of life, the Zoe life, which is the highest form of life. He was filled with the glorious radiant of God's righteousness. He was the righteousness of God in the midst of this glorious radiant. As the righteousness of God, he knew what is good and what is evil. To know good and evil is a matter while to do good and avoid doing bad is another matter. As a created being, though surrounded by the glorious radiant, Adam could not execute this act by himself. He need to depend on the righteous life of His Creator to execute the act.

In defining the meaning of good and evil, our human definition is different from God’s definition. Our definition of good and evil is always based on the performance i.e. our act, while God definition of good and evil is emphasized on what we believe. In short, to live our life depending on Christ’s righteousness is good in God’s eye while living our life depending on our own righteousness derived from our law keeping is evil.

In typology, the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the type symbolizing the righteousness that we produced from our law keeping through our knowledge of good and evil. The fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the righteousness that we produced through our law keeping. The law and commandment is the standard that defines what is good and what is evil. On the other hand, the fruit from the Tree of Life is the type that symbolizing God’s righteousness.

If we are trusting in our law keeping to achieve our righteousness, we are actually eating the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. On the other hand, when we are living our life believing, trusting and depending on Christ’s righteousness as our righteousness, we are eating the fruit of the Tree of Life.

Philippians 3:9 ~ ... not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.

Adam being a created being cannot be independence from God’s glorious righteousness. A created being does not have the ability to produce righteousness through the knowledge of good and evil. Adam was as righteous as God and everything he did was righteous.

Genesis 2:17 ~ but you must not eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.

A created being is not the Creator. A created being cannot be made independence from the Creator. Now, we are called the New Creation with born again spirit, we are no difference from Adam. We need to depend on our Redeemer's righteousness.

It is not about what we can do, it is about what Christ had done. It is not about our own righteousness, it is about Christ's righteousness. It is not about us working out our righteousness, it is about us believing that we are righteous because of what our Lord Jesus Christ had work out on the Cross.

We are a created "being" not created "doing" and we are created as human "being", not human "doing"...!

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