Sunday, September 06, 2009

Fruitful Tart

Today is Sunday, a beautiful Sunday! We wish to bless you all with this fruit tart overflowing with varieties of fresh fruit. May your week ahead be fruitful with His favor shining upon you.

Ingredients for tart crust:

250g flour
10g milk powder
70g caster sugar
170g butter
40g beaten egg

Ingredients for custard:

100g instant custard
700ml cold milk
varieties of fresh fruit

1. To make tart crust, combine flour, milk powder and caster sugar. Rub in butter until mixture resemble bread crumbs. Add in beaten egg, knead to forms dough.

2. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap, refrigerate for half an hour until ready to use.

3. Roll out enough of dough, place into mould.

4. Touch some flour on both thumbs, Press the dough. Tim off the edge.

5. Bake tart crust in oven @ 180 degree for twenty minutes.

6. Dress tart crust with instant custard and top with varieties of fresh fruit.


  1. Yummy Brother... Blessed are those who received and much more are those who give. You're absolutely truly blessed.

  2. YES! and AMEN!! and to you and your family as well!!!
