Friday, June 13, 2008

Righteousness of God ~ The Old Way or The New Way? 神的公義 ~ 是"義"还是"义"?

The Chinese people created a system of writing that was based on pictures. The Chinese characters told many stories that can be found in the Old and New Testaments.

This is the traditional Chinese character for righteousness (old way of writing righteousness). It is made up of the symbol of lamb over the symbol of me.

繁体中文. 羊”和“我”.

In the OLD TESTAMENT, Jewish people under law had to bring gift to God for Sacrifice of their sins on the Day of Atonement. They had to perform this ritual for their forgiveness of sins. This is Moses' way of righteousness. You have to perform in order to have righteousness.

在以行律法为本的旧约, 犹太因他们所犯的罪要蒙神的赦免, 每一年他们都要把一只没有残疾的羔羊犊献给耶和华作为赎罪祭. 就当他们要献祭耶和华的时候, 他们着那没有残疾的羔羊来到圣殿献祭. 的画面就被写成義. 旧约的. 要靠着我们的行. 这是摩西的义,是靠着我们的行为称义的。

The Simplified Chinese character for righteousness (new way of writing righteousness) it is made up of a drop of Blood dripping into a cup used by a ancient King.
体中文, 以 “丶” 和 “乂” 写成. “丶”和“乂” 画面就耶稣基督的宝血流用的杯.

This speaks of Jesus’ blood dripping into the cup that He used. Jesus is our King of kings and Lord of lords. He prepared for us His own blood with His own cup. In the New Testament, God Himself provides The gift of Righteousness. We are all made righteous by Jesus' blood.

在新约的恩典代里, 我们的王耶稣基督, 用自己的杯,自己的血, 洗净了我们, 把他自己的了我们. 就是神的义,因我们耶稣基督,神神的义加给一切相信的人. 我们是靠着主耶稣的宝血称义的。

Hebrews 9:22 ~ In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.


It is so obvious that in the New Covenant, we are depending on Jesus’ blood to be righteousness. We are righteousness by receiving His gift of Righteousness. We do not have to do right so as to be righteousness. In fact, when we understand that we are righteous because of Jesus' blood, whatever things we do are righteous things!

很眀, 新约的恩典代里, 我们靠着耶稣基督流的宝血而称.我们不靠着我们自己的为而称义. 我们眀白我们已是, 我们都是义的, 都是的.

If the Chinese people can figure out the old and the new way of righteousness by writing them out, the Chinese people do know God and understand the will of God, and they understand the GRACE of God.

们华出古代旧约新约代的义可见们华人是眀白旨意的, 们华人是明白神的恩典的!

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