Friday, March 13, 2009


I was touched by the Lord as He ministered to me through the Thoughts for Life (Daily Devotionals) from Francois du Toit of Mirror Reflection on 9th of March i.e on my Birthday...

No one can upset, discredit or humiliate you without your permission.
God has placed a value on your life that is beyond dispute; your true value is a non-negotiable. To forget what manner of man you are, whenever you encounter contradiction, is to deceive yourself. No one can do you greater harm.
You are spirit. In essence your spirit is not subject to change. Yet your mind, your mood, your body and your circumstances can all change. You are infinite.


  1. Blessed belated birthday, brother.
    May the Lord use you mightily for His glory.

  2. Thank you CybeRanger.

    I am bless for the Lord speaks the right thing at the right time. He is gracious and faithful... I am bless indeed!

  3. Hi Alan, Praise to our Daddy for a brother like you. Indeed you are so right. If we feel down and discouraged, we live in the flesh. But if we see ourselves rich, healthy and perfect, we live in the Spirit. We are all highly favored and greatly blessed indeed. Amen! Thank you Alan.

  4. Hi Alan,

    Belated Happy Birthday!
    Thank you for your encouragement through your blog.

    Yes, we are of immense value in His sight! He has crowned us with glory and honour. And we ought to see not just the world but also to see ourselves through His heart!


  5. Thank you Maurice,

    This daily devotion hits me in every sentences and your message is the solution to my weakness! I got your message and it carry weight! we ought to see not just the world but also to see ourselves through His heart!

    I say Amen to that!
