There are many kinds of jigsaw puzzle in the market. Some are very simple to fix and some are of 1,000 pieces and is challenging to fix. Our life in this world is just like the jigsaw puzzle. We thought we can fix this jigsaw puzzle of life ourselves but in actual fact, we can’t. As for me, I had been trying to fix my own jigsaw puzzle for 39 years and still remain a puzzle to me. Only when I had come to Jesus, the Creator of the puzzle of my life, it was then gloriously graciously fixed.
When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, He handed over this jigsaw puzzle of life to me in a finished and completed form. He said to me that this puzzle of life is for me to enjoy and for me to admire at the beauty of His creative work. If we are enjoying our Lord, His beautiful creation and His finished work, we are indeed, at rest in Him. In the midst of our rest, our inner beings know that we have been reconciled with God and our sins have been forgiven.
However, this beautiful scenario does not last long because the truth is not being preached for the establishment of faith. There is a conspiracy out there to log me off my resting mode and the incorrect preaching activated my working mode again. When my working mode was activated, I started to dismantle this jigsaw puzzle of life and trying my effort to fix this puzzle again. This is the nature of a human being whose default mode is work and labour because of self righteousness. A human being with self righteousness cannot rest with gifts that are unmerited. They must work or labour themselves to deserve the things that are given to him.

The truth of the matter is Jesus Christ had completed everything that was needed to be completed on the cross to accomplish the redemption plan for the world according to the will of our Heavenly Father. There is nothing leave for me to do to deserve this salvation from God. Jesus’ finished work is perfect and complete according to God’s knowledge and not according to my limited knowledge. I did not deserve eternal life but Jesus gave me eternal life by grace. I did not deserve blessings but when I received Jesus as my Saviour, my Heavenly Father had already blessed me in heavenly realm with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
When Jesus enlightened me with His grace, truth started to establish me and I discovered my completed jigsaw puzzle of life again. Hallelujah, why am I so foolish to dismantle my completed jigsaw puzzle? It is beautiful in God's eye and why am I not appreciating it? He reminded me again and again to look to Him, to enjoy Him and to rest in Him, knowing that it is a finished work.
What a life...
Is your Jigsaw Puzzle of Life a finished work?
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