Monday, October 13, 2008

Appreciate His Grace

We have been acquiring the deadly knowledge of this world for too long in our life. Even when we have become Christian and if we are still sitting under a ministry that preaches legalism or mixture of grace and law, we are still under the influence of this deadly worldly knowledge. Not until we have encountered the pure Grace of God, we can never be drawn near to the Tree of Life and we can never be imparted with the Wisdom from the Tree of Life.

Proverbs 9:10 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Many Christian have been fearing the LORD with their wrong belief. Because of their wrong belief, they are executing the wrong kind of fear that leads them to knowledge instead of Wisdom. Wisdom is at the side of Grace, from Jesus and the Tree of Life, where as knowledge is at the side of Adam, of the law and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Adam was made in the image of God and was full of divine Wisdom. He did not acquire knowledge to name all the animals that God brought to him. He was connected with divine Wisdom to call forth the names of all the animals. When he fell, he was cut off from accessing divine Wisdom and he was left to depend on the knowledge derived from the Wisdom that he acquired before he fell.

Through the establishment in the teaching of righteousness and the understanding of His grace, we are brought back to the Tree of Life, where the source of our Wisdom is. Therefore, we can only access to His wisdom when we see His grace and understand the meaning of His grace.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Fear the LORD here is to accept the Grace that Jesus has given us. We are therefore, doing fine in fearing the LORD when we appreciate His grace and thus, is the beginning of Wisdom. This kind of fear is reverence with good expectation of God and is an act of worship to our LORD. However, if we see law, we can only acquire knowledge and we fear the LORD the wrong way. This kind of fear is with constant expectation of judgment from God and this act is an insult to God.

So renew our minds and appreciate His grace, this is the fear of the LORD and the beginning of Wisdom…

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